Spiritual Coaching

To live a spiritually focused life it is not necessary to remove oneself from daily life. To live in an ashram or retire to meditate in a cave is not an available option for most of us. Life itself is our practice. Spirituality is not separate from life; it is life itself. Each moment, life is filled with opportunities and challenges that are the grist for the mill of spiritual awakening.

You may already have some kind of spiritual focus or daily practice or you may recognize there is now a real need for them. Clearly it’s not possible to spend all of your time in meditation even if you wanted to. You may manage a quick meditation practice in the morning and then begin to get lost in the demands and the dramas of the daily experiences. Before you know it it’s the end of the day and you haven’t checked in with yourself even once and you are exhausted.

You try different things. You may go to a class or a weekend workshop or read books and there may often be a glimmer of insight that intimates “I think I finally get it.” Only to lose it when you go back to daily life and get stuck in the same old routine or even find yourself knocked off balance yet again.

The Benefits of Spiritual Practice

A deep and meaningful spiritual practice penetrates to the core of who you are and who you can become. Such spiritual exploration gets to the heart of what it is you are here for in this life. When you deepen the awareness of your spiritual nature life opens up in all directions and in all kinds of ways. Spiritual practices if done regularly and most of all if performed effectively will bring about positive and recognizable changes in how you experience yourself and how you live your life. If you already have a daily spiritual practice you know that the more you deeply engage in it the better your life becomes.

Spirituality is focused in both the mind and the body: in the breath and in heart. Such awareness can be with you as your closest friend wherever you are under any circumstances. Spiritually focused people engage fully in the world. They are able to direct breath, heart, mind and body to a life a life of joy and fulfilment. As well as accomplish their life’s purposes for the benefit of all.

If your life is working for you it is often a measure of how effectively aligned you really are to your purpose in life and to the rhythms of Life Itself.

If life is not working as you would like what can you do?

Deep inside do you know you have much more to offer but so far you cannot fully bring it into being?

Support on the Spiritual Path

Do you have a regular practice but you are really challenged to integrate it more fully into daily life? Do you jump from one method or spiritual practice to another, from one teacher to another simply scratching the surface of your inner capacities?

Perhaps what you need on this journey is a guide, an experienced guide, who can coach you into deeper states of awareness. A guide that has worked with many people over many years to bring you back into your body, breath, heart and mind. To bring you fully into each present moment no matter what the external situation may be presenting. Someone who can teach you that it’s not only about setting aside time to perform spiritual practices it is about cultivating awareness of the currents of Life throughout the day. Spontaneous right action comes from this level of awareness.

Sometimes even though you have a guide who is taking you deeper you may be afraid to reach out to them, afraid to ask questions because, being respectful, you do not wish to take up too much of their time.

Why May Someone Need Support? And Are Spiritual Practices Always the Answer?

I have noticed that many people even if they engage in some regular spiritual practice may not experience any significant positive changes in their being and their life. There may be many reasons for this of course. Yet significantly most of us are not always aware of our own blind spots. We may be so busy with life that whatever spiritual practices we are able to manage barely seem to keep us above water. The problems people experience in life, with others, with themselves and the habitual ineffective ways of coping with such problems still persist no matter how hard they try to eradicate them.

Although people may be aware they have conflicting thoughts, negative emotions, bad habits and unhelpful beliefs they nevertheless seem powerless to actually change those ways of being. Essentially problems are based on inner conflicts. There’s a conflict between our desire to express our essential nature and the mostly unconscious reactive patterns of habitual behavior that take over when we step out of our comfort zones.

Yet with the right kind of coaching and support it is possible to unmask and resolve that kind of negative conditioning. With all such conditioning out of the way this can lead one to emotional mastery and inner freedom.

Go Deeper. A One to One – Spiritual Journey Over Six Months

This programme offers support for those who are committed to the spiritual path and want to strengthen and deepen their own spiritual practice. It is for those who are ready to reconnect with their heart to find deeper meaning and renewed sense of purpose in their life. Most of all it is for those want extra help and support in a more personal, regular and direct way.

How can you benefit from Go-Deeper?

The emphasis of Go-Deeper will be on cultivating actual spiritual experience. You will receive guidance and support to help you explore and define your own unique spiritual path. Together we will discover the spiritual practices most suited to your own unique way of being.

Healing at a deep level will naturally take place. You will learn how to access your innate healing capacity and to connect with the source of healing within and from the Only Being.

Rather than depending on your thinking mind for your solutions to life’s challenges you will discover how to follow and to trust your heart. Your heart is the only place where you can really know what matters most to you. You will recognize that your heart is an inner compass ready to guide you towards a truly fulfilling and happy life. You will develop a clearer sense of inner knowing.

You will learn to appreciate who you are and to enjoy sharing the gifts of your being with others. At the same time you will become aware that you are a continually unfolding process. The Divine process flows to you, through you and as you.

You will develop the capacity to always trust and act upon your intuition, to enjoy the total presence of living in the moment unconcerned with the future or the past, to live without judgments, to be free from the grip of emotion, able to feel anything and everything.

As you develop a more refined sense of awareness of your physical body and your finer energetic bodies you will learn how to use your energy more effectively and how to transform adverse energetic, emotional and mental states.

You will learn how to overcome self imposed boundaries and limitations.

By finding and cultivating a deep sense of peace within your own being, which is your connection to that place of Universal Peace, you can access the source and fuel for all your life’s limitless potential.

Are You Ready to Go-Deeper?

Go-Deeper is not a quick fix nor is it merely a surface solution. It will require a real commitment from you to yourself and a willingness to go deeper into your heart and mind. To develop this kind of spiritual focus on life will involve letting go of many limiting beliefs, conditioning and habits. It is not for the faint-hearted.

Yet you may be feeling that now is the right time to explore your spiritual path more deeply so that you can really begin to understand and master your inner landscape. If you are going through a period of change or challenge in your life Go-Deeper can offer you direct personal support and guidance.

How is Go-Deeper Structured?

The Go-Deeper process will take place over a six months period.

For each individual participant the programme will begin on a mutually convenient date.

There will be a limit on the number of people I can work with at any one time. This will ensure that I can give each person the necessary support and attention.

Each month you will receive two one-hour individual sessions with me on Zoom.

These sessions can be recorded for your benefit so that you can review at your own leisure what has been experienced. This means that you can participate in Go-Deeper no matter where you live in the world.

There will be additional written materials and recordings of spiritual practices made available to you.

Shorter laser-focused sessions by Zoom or telephone may also be scheduled if appropriate or necessary.

There will be email communication between us as often as is needed.

The price is £299.00 per month.

How do I sign up and what if I have further questions?

Please contact me directly for further details. Call me +44 (0)7799 603928 or click here to Email me.

If not now, when?