15th October 2023
Spiritual Dancing: The Language of the Soul
There is something unique about the synchronicity of dancing, singing and breathing with others. When we dance together in our circles there is often a sense of something larger, an expanded sense of oneness that touches us all. There is a feeling of completeness, of coherence, of being at ease in body, heart and mind. Our healthy sense of self is enhanced by these nourishing contacts we share with friends of like heart and mind. Without our conscious awareness the language of the soul speaks to us, through us and as us as we dance.
By the repetition of the mantras we sing, along with the devotional quality of the movements, the inner and outer atmosphere is transformed, leading to beneficial changes in the vibrational field of all who dance. The parasympathetic nervous system is activated, allowing us to feel safe and creative in each other’s presence; our muscles begin to relax and soften; our voices become more resonant and mellifluous; our hearts open spiritually; our minds begin to quieten; our breath becomes easier and more enlivening; we become more aware of the energy of life within us and around us.
Perhaps surprisingly all this happens through simple, natural rhythms of heart, voice, body and breath as we move together in a circle.
If you are new and considering coming along you will receive a warm welcome. It is not necessary to have had any experience of this form of dancing – sometimes called Dances of Universal Peace. Mostly we dance and sing as we move together in a circle. The chants are based on sacred phrases from various spiritual traditions.The dances are simple and accessible as well as profound and deep. They are clearly taught and easily learned.
Additionally during this workshop there may be short periods sitting together in the silence to help us to integrate and embody the effects of the practices.
Galhampton Village Hall is a bright and airy facility with a warm and welcoming feel. A beautiful eco space to dance in with wooden floors and many windows. It is less than two miles from Castle Cary. A mainline railway station operates from London to Castle Cary.
Times: Saturday 13th May arrivals for refreshments from 10 am. Start at 10.30am. Finish at 4.30pm.
Venue: Galhampton Village Hall, Long St, Galhampton, Yeovil BA22 7AY
Price: £45.
Bookings and Further Details:
Contact Philip for further details.
Tel. +44 7799 603928
Email: philipodonohoe@me.com