Monday 12th June to Wednesday 14th June
Energy Healing: Dancing at Dorset Sacred Places
Dorset has an amazingly rich legacy of sacred sites ranging from the earliest neolithic period and continuing throughout history. Stone circles, henges, barrows, wells, ancient chapels, abbeys and hill forts are spread literally throughout the whole county of Dorset. Dancing can benefit the land itself as well as those who dance.
Known and cultivated by our ancestors, these ancient sites are energy portals, that link together to form a worldwide web of energetic connection. What happens in one area, positive or negative, has its effects in other areas just like in the human body. The effects of the practices we engage in are not limited to Dorset or even this country. The energy pathways connect the whole being of the Earth and as we activate them we can help restore and maintain the health and harmony of the earth. Many ancient sites have been mistreated over the years and others have become dormant but they do seem to respond well to our presence and our practices.
Dancing and attuning together at these sacred sites is an important concentration for many of us and I consider this one of the most important aspects of my work. Such pilgrimages have been happening for over 10 years.
It is highly likely that the ancients danced and sang together in their ceremonial practices, as we do, and we are in a real sense dancing in the footsteps of our ancestors – though who knows what if any sacred phrases they may have used. Perhaps we can tap into the sacred sense embodied by our ancestors of ages past. My feeling has always been that with love, reverence and humility we can simply offer our own heart felt dancing and singing using the sacred phrases we have attuned to over the years to help restore the sense of harmony and balance at these places.
To reach all the sites involves at least some walking – sometimes up hills. We will as usual be driving between sites. I have yet to revisit several sites to see if they are appropriate to visit again this year and I will be looking at potential new sites. This year we will be going back to St Catherine’s Chapel in Abbotsbury, visiting several places on Portland and Cerne Abbas. Our focus geographically will be central and western Dorset.
We will be a relatively small group of experienced dancers and places are limited. Places are limited so do let me know if you are interested in joining us.
Our pilgrimage will be three full days from Monday 12th to Wednesday 14th June inclusive from from 9.30am or 10am until around 4.30pm or 5pm. We will gather together for an orientation session on Zoom a few days before the start of the pilgrimage.
The price for participating in the pilgrimage will be £140.
Bookings and Further Details Contact Philip.