This path of Sufi Mysticism and Spiritual Dance is experiential, empowering, transformative, joyful and healing. Spiritual practices are a valuable and effective tool to increase our capacity for living life fully and successfully while also being at ease with ourselves and others. Drawn from the Sufi tradition, tantra and yoga the teachings and practices we offer are in essence food for our souls. They nourish our souls, give us vitality, inspire us with wisdom and recharge us with the power necessary to meet the challenges of life with more ease.
We offer group retreats, workshops and classes in spiritual dance, Sufism, the mysticism of sound, breath, heart-centredness and meditation as well as individual coaching, mentoring and spiritual guidance.
Events Booking
Tune in to Radio Tansen
Listen to continuous live singing with Philip and friends recorded at a number of different workshops.

“I have danced with Philip since the early 1990s and am privileged to be one of his Sufi mureeds. His gifts are subtle and understated.“
Dinah Aziza, Kendal

“Thanks also for the weekend. It was the first time for me to see virtuosity in your leading beyond ?mere? mastery and it was a joy to behold.“