Dancing Pilgrimage: Sacred Sites in Cumbria

23rd-25th June

        The land of Cumberland and Westmorland has an amazingly rich legacy of ancient sacred sites from the neolithic period onwards. It turns out there are over 50 stone circles remaining in Cumbria with many more having been destroyed over the years. In addition there are henges, barrows, holy wells, sacred springs, ancient chapels and remains of abbeys that can be found in the region.
        Dancing and attuning together at sacred sites is an important ongoing concentration for me and I feel it is one of the most important aspects of my work with the dances. My intention has always been that in love, reverence and humility, we may offer our own heart-felt dancing and singing to help restore the sense of harmony and balance at these places and beyond. As we do so perhaps we can tap into the sacred sense embodied by our ancestors of ages past.Recognised and cultivated by our ancestors, these ancient sites act as energy portals that link together to form a worldwide web of energetic connection. What happens in one area, positively or negatively, has its effects in other areas, just like in the human body. It is likely that the ancients also danced and sang together in their ceremonial practices. We are, in a real sense, dancing in the footsteps of our ancestors.
        Many ancient sites have been mistreated over the years and others have become ignored. Despite this they still retain a timeless energetic quality. Over the years we have been dancing at sacred places in Dorset and Cumbria we have always been welcomed by the sites and find they respond extremely well to our presence and our practices.
        So far our pilgrimage will include: Castlerigg Stone Circle; Shap Abbey; Gamelands Stone Circle, near Orton; Mayburgh Henge; Long Meg and Her Daughters Stone Circle. Other sites will added in the coming months.
        To reach all the sites involves at least some walking – sometimes up steep hills. We will be driving between sites and ideally sharing cars. Some of the sites have limited parking available. Naturally we will find time for lunches and breaks calling at local cafes. You may choose to bring along packed lunches.

We will be a relatively small group of dancers and places are limited.

Times: Our pilgrimage will be three full days from Monday 23rd to Wednesday 25th June inclusive. arriving at sites 10am until around 4.30pm or 5pm.

Bookings and Further Details. Contact Philip for further details.